Saturday, April 26, 2008


Okay, the video downloaded, so I will add some new pics too! Of course, the girls and the dogs!!! Kimberly and Tater, he always sleeps with her, he has kind of turned out to be her dog, when she is gone at her Dad's over the weekend, he paces at bedtime and cries, he doesnt know where to sleep! I had to take the pictures of Kennedy and Rowen, my big Malamute, she just loves him and she was riding her bike (a two wheeler!!) and she fell by him and he was sooooo concerned! He came over and started kissing her and she was hugging him, so I snapped a few pics, he is sooo huge compared to her little self! He almost outweighs her by 100 lbs! The other dog in those pics is Juneau, she is Row's girlfriend, she is due to have pups in about 4 weeks, WOO HOO, hopefully vacation $$$! The last one is of Kennedy and Mimi, her favorite dog, they are just inseparable!

New video, giggling baby boy!!

Baby K was sooo cute the other day, laughing for daddy, I had to do this video, he was so serious, and then laughing his little buns off! Kaders has been sick all week wheezing and coughing, high temp, we thought it was RSV at first, but ends up being a bad virus, now Kenners is dealing with the same thing, a bit worse because of her asthma, so she has been snoozing in bed all afternoon, and we have been watching Shirley Temple movies in between her siestas! She is so cute, I feel soooo sad when she is not feeling well.... Anyhoo, here's the video, provided it downloads!!!!


Okay, about a week ago, I finally got some time to do some blogging and got absolutely no where with it, everytime the video was ALMOST downloading, of course, it would finish saying "error on page, Blogspot unavailable" Lets see if I can actually get it done this time!!!!!