Thursday, November 15, 2007

Busy day today!

Well, we have parent teacher conferences tonight, lets hope those go well... I stopped at the clinic today to talk to the HR people and everyone was so happy to see Kaden and how big he has gotten.... I can't believe it myself! Well tomorrow he will be officially 2 months old and he weighed 14 pounds 12 ounces today at work!!!! Dr. McCue says I can just bring Kaden to work when I go back and he can stay in his office when I am busy! Everyone was happy to see that Kaders still has his baby mohawk too! A little bit of bad news today though, Daddy is going to have to go back over the road for a while :( That will take some getting used to again, but it should only be for a while, but this is the first time we will have to be without him for a whole month, usually he is home on the weekends... Oh well, I am glad that we have Dozer though, he eases my mind and he is WONDERFUL with the baby, so I think Dozey will be sleeping with me and Kaders!! Talk to you all soon and here are some more pics! The last one is of Dozer, Tater, and Maria, they all seem to think they have to nap together.... Too cute!

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